Friday, August 13, 2010

Questions to be Answered;

Today's lesson is pretty much getting started. We are now working on our assignment/project and we hope that we end this project perfectly and that we are satisfied with everything. We are to do our powerpoint on which makes everything less complicated. With the process in using this google, online powerpoint we are able to join our slides that we are doing individually into one powerpoint which will be presented in class for us to share. This method will make everything easier and we hope that with this method everything will be done and completed in no time soon , as long as we work together.

Katherine allocated and gave the rest of the group individual questions for us to do. The questions that i will be answering will be  questions 5 and 6 - When things go wrong? and the Good Habits .
Erica will be answering questions 2 and 3  - What parts make up the system ? and How does it work ?
Katherine will be answering questions  1 and 4 - Why do we need it ? and the Bad Habits.
And Keith-Mae will be answerig question 1- Which Doctor?

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