Thursday, August 26, 2010

Group Evaluation Scaffold ;

What role(s) did you take on for this assignment ?
My role on this assignment/project was the same as my group members. Doing my slides, answering my questions " When things go wrong and Good habits".
What did you like about working as a group?
I liked how we worked as a group/team and that we all co-operated, and that i was able to work with my peers.
Was was difficult about working a s a group?
Nothing really, but i think we should've concentrated more.
What did you learn about working as  a group?
I learnt that working as a group and listening to each other is good and better to get things done easier.
How well did you work together/cooperatively?
We worked very well, as i was sharing all my ideas and thought, while i listened to their ones as well.
Did everyone contribute equally and enthusiastically?
Yes everyone was contributing equally and enthusiastically as we were all being fair to each other and working together.
How well as an individual did you work as a part of the group?
I think i worked pretty well  and cooperatively as a group member, because i listened well to my group members, and contributed with their ideas and thoughts.
Identify your strengths and weaknesses as a group member.
My strengths are that, i can work enthusiastically and independently. I can listen to the problems that were encountered and help to try and fix them. I dont have much of a weakness, but i think that i was really paying attention most of the time, when there was explaining happening.

Outline suggestions to improve your approach to group work.
I think it would've improved we our group talked and communicated more. But overall, everything was alright, we worked as a group and we finished what we were told to do, and we had a fun experience learning about the " Circulatory System"

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