Thursday, August 26, 2010

Group Evaluation Scaffold ;

What role(s) did you take on for this assignment ?
My role on this assignment/project was the same as my group members. Doing my slides, answering my questions " When things go wrong and Good habits".
What did you like about working as a group?
I liked how we worked as a group/team and that we all co-operated, and that i was able to work with my peers.
Was was difficult about working a s a group?
Nothing really, but i think we should've concentrated more.
What did you learn about working as  a group?
I learnt that working as a group and listening to each other is good and better to get things done easier.
How well did you work together/cooperatively?
We worked very well, as i was sharing all my ideas and thought, while i listened to their ones as well.
Did everyone contribute equally and enthusiastically?
Yes everyone was contributing equally and enthusiastically as we were all being fair to each other and working together.
How well as an individual did you work as a part of the group?
I think i worked pretty well  and cooperatively as a group member, because i listened well to my group members, and contributed with their ideas and thoughts.
Identify your strengths and weaknesses as a group member.
My strengths are that, i can work enthusiastically and independently. I can listen to the problems that were encountered and help to try and fix them. I dont have much of a weakness, but i think that i was really paying attention most of the time, when there was explaining happening.

Outline suggestions to improve your approach to group work.
I think it would've improved we our group talked and communicated more. But overall, everything was alright, we worked as a group and we finished what we were told to do, and we had a fun experience learning about the " Circulatory System"

Finishing off ;

Everything is all done, and we are hoping that all we did was enough to make us get a good mark. I have completed all my slides , and all my other group members have completed their slides as well. The whole assessment was supposed to be due today, and it is. But we are to start presenting are power points next week.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Finishing off ;

Today, this lesson is our last. Katherine Young is absent today, so erica will be doing the class handout, which is a puzzle. I am finishing off my powerpoint, which is " when things go wrong". It is a bit hard, as i cant really find any information on it. But im going to keep trying, as there isnt as much time left.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday 20th August 2010;

In todays lesson, we are just continuing our research and work on our project. The powerpoint is processing and it will be completed soon :) I will be transferring my answers on my questions onto the powerpoint. So right now, i am trying to find information to my other question which is " When things go wrong" but i cant really find any at the moment. I will try and keep searching so that it will be done asap. But for now, im going to start my part of the slide to answer the question on the "Good habits of the Circulatory system"

Here is another diagram/image of the circulatory system, that kids can understand more.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Research ;

Todays lesson we were in the library, and we started to do our assignment by doing more research and helping eachother. Today i wrote some notes on what i researched today on the circulatory system. What i researched in this lesson was the good habits in the circulatory system, in other words. How to keep the system healthy and what can go wrong.
Here are some notes i took ;

To maintain  a healthy and strong lifestyle with the circulatory system you will need to;
  • Keep fit, regular exercise everyday. e.g. jogging around 10-15 mins daily.
  • Eating healthy. A balanced diet and avoiding too much salt or too much fat in foods.
  • Trying to avoid your intake on alcoholic drinks and to avoid smoking.

missed out ;

Today is the 18th of August, and i was absent yesterday on the 17th of August as i was not feeling well. So i pretty much just missed out on one lesson. As i reviewed, my group just done bit by bit research yesterday, and as for today we are going to continue that research. Katherine already started off the slide on the google online powerpoint

This is what the powerpoint looks like at the moment. First slide was created by Katherine Young.

Friday, August 13, 2010

diagram; circulatory system.

This is a small diagram of what the circulatory looks like. This diagram is pretty small but this diagram labels and outlines the circulatory system.

Questions to be Answered;

Today's lesson is pretty much getting started. We are now working on our assignment/project and we hope that we end this project perfectly and that we are satisfied with everything. We are to do our powerpoint on which makes everything less complicated. With the process in using this google, online powerpoint we are able to join our slides that we are doing individually into one powerpoint which will be presented in class for us to share. This method will make everything easier and we hope that with this method everything will be done and completed in no time soon , as long as we work together.

Katherine allocated and gave the rest of the group individual questions for us to do. The questions that i will be answering will be  questions 5 and 6 - When things go wrong? and the Good Habits .
Erica will be answering questions 2 and 3  - What parts make up the system ? and How does it work ?
Katherine will be answering questions  1 and 4 - Why do we need it ? and the Bad Habits.
And Keith-Mae will be answerig question 1- Which Doctor?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

planning ;

In our lesson today, we were organized into our groups. The minimum was 3-4 groups and in my group we had 4. They include Erica Ydia, Katherine Young and Keith-Mae Radam. I have worked with them in our previous assignment so i hope we work well and better for this project. Today we also had to pick a topic. Although we didnt have a choice to get which one we wanted so we had to pick it out random out of the plastic sleeve. So the topic we received was the "Circulatory System". We dont really know much about this topic but we hope to learn alot from it. We soon are going to start the research on the circulatory system.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First ;

My first blog. This blog site will be my online science journal .